Sponsor a Purrmaid

Sponsor a Purrmaid

White paralyzed kitten with blue eyes with rainbow catnip toy

Monetary donations go a long way - covering the costs of supplies and shipping so that we are able to provide protective clothing to pet parents at no charge to them.


We also have an amazon wishlist where you can purchase necessary supplies that we will send to volunteer sewists, as well as washable diapers that we include in our Purrmaid packs.

a Purrmaid Pack

Do you have a paralyzed or mobility challenged pet in need of protective clothing? Request a purrmaid pack, sponsored by our generous donors.

Our dedication to dangles goes beyond rescue.

About Project Purrmaid

As new special needs pet parents, we quickly realized that there aren’t a ton of resources available for paralyzed and mobility challenged cats.

One of the most common concerns purrmaid parents have is preventing their “breadsticks” from developing “ouchies” that can get to be painful, or even infected, from rubbing on the floor or furniture while running, playing and climbing.

While there are a few small companies that sell drag bags and other protective apparel, they aren’t always easily accessible, comfortable, or affordable (seriously, they can cost upwards of $60!). We understand the urgency pet parents feel when their babies are in pain, and we believe that this critical lifesaving attire should be free of charge to those who need them.

All of our drag bags, pants, and bummies are lovingly hand-made by dedicated volunteers, and costs are covered by the generous donations of our incredibly supportive cat community. Sponsors are paired with a purrmaid so they can follow them on social media and watch them safely zoom around in their new clothes!