Innovative Lifesaving Programs



We are working to build a network of foster homes dedicated to helping us save the tiniest and most special babies in our community. Our goal is to have a majority of our intake come from our local animal shelter, with the exception of mobility challenged kittens requiring specialized care. All kittens will be fully vetted, spayed or neutered, and microchipped prior to adoption to a loving forever home.



We are extremely fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most intelligent, inquisitive and entertaining animal-loving humans. Our team is dedicated to providing engaging educational content to help share what we’ve learned to be true - special needs cats can lead amazing, fulfilling lives.

Project Purrmaid

An incredible, much needed program led by Kacy Showalter, that we are truly proud to be able to support. Project Purrmaid was created to provide protective clothing for mobility challenged pets, that helps to prevent the development of pressure sores in cats that drag their legs when they run, climb and play. With the support of generous sponsors, we’ve been able to provide dozens of cats in need with hand made drag bags and pants at no cost to their parents or rescue groups.