Fixing up freshly baked and fragile felines.
Help us give the tiniest and most vulnerable babies in our community a place to rest their tired toe beans.
We know what kittens knead.
Neonatal kittens, especially mobility challenged and incontinent kittens, are among the most underserved and at risk populations in Animal Shelters. Many veterinarians aren’t taught how to help them, leaving treatable kittens without accessible medical care.
Because euthanasia is often suggested for paralyzed cats both in shelters and private vet offices, people assume that they won’t have any quality of life. Thankfully, this isn’t true at all.
We want to help change this and get rid of the stigma, by showing how manageable and fulfilling their care can be. We want to support not just orphan kittens, but help to create resources that allow paralyzed pets to stay with their loving, lifelong adoptive families.